Concrete is an ideal flooring material, and is used all over the world in restaurants, school cafeterias and even in hospitals. Due to its structural strength, rigidity, durability and ease of maintenance, it is one of the most preferred flooring materials that are currently in use. If laid properly, decorative and luxurious polished concrete floors can be almost indistinguishable from other more expensive kinds of flooring materials. However, there are a few important things that one should be aware of while considering concrete as a flooring material, and these aspects are discussed in detail as follows.
Concrete Polishing
Technically, any kind of concrete floor, new or old, can be ground, polished and coated with epoxy. However, an important factor that must be taken into consideration while grinding and polishing concrete floors is the structural strength of the concrete. As long as the floor has sufficient thickness, rigidity and is free of dampness or major irregularities, it can be polished easily. Concrete polishing can be done either with water, or without. However, most contractors prefer dry polishing due to the faster cleanup.
When it comes to wet grinding, water is used to lower the heat and friction that arises during the grinding process; however, the fine powder that is generated during the grinding quickly mixes up with the water and forms a thick slurry that has to be removed and disposed of very carefully. While wet grinding helps increase the durability and longevity of the grinding tools being used to polish the floor, it does not have any other major benefits. Dry grinding is exactly like wet grinding, but without the water. The dust generated in the process is vacuumed by the high-performance grinder itself.
In some cases, combinations of dry and wet grinding may be used. Regardless of the grinding method used, the process is always carried out in a number of stages. In the first two or three steps, the existing floor is ground using abrasive grinders of various different levels of coarseness, before an epoxy coating is applied to the surface. Then, the polishing is continued using a number of very fine-grained abrasive grinders. At the end of the process, what remains is a smooth, highly reflective and hard surface that is sure to last very long without showing any signs of wear and tear.
Concrete Finishing
When it comes to safe concrete polishing floor solution in Melbourne has a large number of firms and companies that take up such activities on a regular basis. If you are looking for a concrete finish Melbourne is the best place to start looking for a company that can polish and coat your floor for you.
Concrete Polishing

When it comes to wet grinding, water is used to lower the heat and friction that arises during the grinding process; however, the fine powder that is generated during the grinding quickly mixes up with the water and forms a thick slurry that has to be removed and disposed of very carefully. While wet grinding helps increase the durability and longevity of the grinding tools being used to polish the floor, it does not have any other major benefits. Dry grinding is exactly like wet grinding, but without the water. The dust generated in the process is vacuumed by the high-performance grinder itself.
In some cases, combinations of dry and wet grinding may be used. Regardless of the grinding method used, the process is always carried out in a number of stages. In the first two or three steps, the existing floor is ground using abrasive grinders of various different levels of coarseness, before an epoxy coating is applied to the surface. Then, the polishing is continued using a number of very fine-grained abrasive grinders. At the end of the process, what remains is a smooth, highly reflective and hard surface that is sure to last very long without showing any signs of wear and tear.
Concrete Finishing